We arrived! Since the roads were closed due to the recent road closures, we were the ONLY guests at this fantastic lodge. The food was amazing and we had a very nice room.
Tags: Lake Moeraki
The clear skies we hoped for this AM didn't materialize so the majestic peaks we saw last night were cloud covered. But, just the same, Mt. Cook is a truly spectacular area.
Not good WiFi here but I think I can post at least this picture. As I heard another person saying on the path to the seriously good restaurant at the foot of Mt. Cook, "It's impossible to take a picture to capture what we are seeing." We are in awe of this beautiful area. "Majestic" is not a good enough word. So, although we didn't get the train trip to Hotikita and the road trip down the west coast of the south island due to the cyclone damage to the roads, this doesn't seem like a compromise - at all!
Tags: Mt. Cook
At the main park in Christchurch - this is the outpouring response of the citizens of Christchurch and all New Zealand citizens to the senseless loss of life here a week or so ago. This 'memorial' to those who were killed was so impactful, it was impossible to not have tears. The flowers and messages went on for several long blocks.
Tags: Christchurch
Killing time before our flight to Christchurch from Nelson we made our way to the WOW Museum of Wearable Art. Each year in Auckland designers from all over the world model their creations made of all kinds of ingenious materials in a fashion show. The museum had video of last year's show playing on large screens that was totally mesmerizing. Not only were the fashions amazing, but the models moved to music and even danced in these costumes. Each year the winners and video from the previous year go to Nelson so we were able to see how fantastic that show must be. We would have missed this exhibit if it hadn't been raining soooo- no worries, good-on-you-mate!
Tags: Christchurch, Nelson